
Friday, October 7, 2016

The Meadow and the work!!!!

We closed on our house September 30!!! We are excited and tired.  It has been non-stop for 2 weeks now.  The gentleman we purchased the house from let us in early to start painting and moving things into the garages.  What a blessing that was for us.

Each day we would take a load to the new house on James Allen's trailer that our sweet little mini van was faithful to pull.  Did we use a U-Haul.  YES!!!! On Friday we picked up a U-Haul and loaded it Saturday with the help of a friend, my younger brother and my dad.  It was a blessing to have their help.  It is also humbling because you see how much "stuff" you don't need.  I will say this, we do have more "stuff" than the average family with homeschooling the kids and all of Lydia's medical supplies.  Okay, enough of the excuses......we've been purging since the move and it feels so good. ;-)

The kids think it is great living next to this beautiful cemetery.  They ride their bikes in it and it is a great place to take Lydia for walks.  
Here is a view of the front yard from the house.  At the end of that long driveway is the road to the outside world. ;-)  Katie is enjoying her walks to the mailbox.  There is something special about receiving a hand written letter in the mail.  I forgot to take a picture of the front of the house so I will do that soon.

I hope you enjoy the pictures and the "story" to go along with them.  I will be posting before and after pictures and look forward to your all's thoughts and comments.

Oh, by the way......... If you're wondering about the posts from 2012, I actually started this blog then but kept it private.  It was a place for me to vent my thoughts.  Feel free to read them or ignore......

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