
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

This morning "in my world" I have all kinds of time to get things done. Oh, if that were only the case. Do you ever wish you could just stop time and get certain things done?
I have four children that need fed today. Why must they eat three times per day? You would think if I feed them a good breakfast that should do it for the day but for some reason they keep coming back for more.  Then there is laundry waiting for me!!! Does the pile EVER shrink?  Don't get me started on how my house needs cleaned!!!!!  
Does any of this sound like you or is it just me?  I didn't mention all the things I would like to do just the simple things I need to do.  The everyday tasks that I wake up to each morning.
This morning I read a wonderful verse to help me keep everything in perspective.
James 4:14, "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life?  It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."
I can go to bed each night "fretting" about tomorrow's daunting tasks or I can go to bed thanking the LORD for what HE has allowed me to accomplish today. Maybe, I only got the children fed, BUT praise the LORD I did that.  I have no guarantees of the next minute in my life or what tomorrow may really be, I do however know that what time I have here on this earth must be used for HIS honor and glory.
While I am busy fretting about my day, could I be singing praises for all that HE has blessed me with? I need to focus more on the time HE has given me and NOT wishing for more time.  Think about it, as children we wish time would speed up, as adults we wish time would slow down. You would think that somewhere in all that "time" we would learn to be thankful for this moment in "time".

Well, "in my world", things will not come to a standstill and freeze so I can get the laundry done or whatever else I feel is a MUST for the day.  I guess I need to get busy on what time I have been given.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


In MY WORLD things are NOT perfect. I am learning daily how to be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. I wish I could tell you that I am one of those women that has it all put together but truth is I don't. I often become discouraged because of my lack of "togetherness".  Come to find out, there are more woman like me than I thought. I would very much like to be the Proverbs 31 woman, but she is perfect.  As long as I walk this earth I can strive to be more like her but I will NEVER be her because I am human.

My prayer is that as you "stop by" you will feel encouraged, lifted up, and know that the LORD is bigger than your day and "my world".

"........the joy of the LORD is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10